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laser treatment for Fistula treatment symptoms causes daignosis vithai piles hospital pune

What is Fistula?

An abnormal connection between two body parts, such as an organ or blood vessel and another structure, is referred to as a fistula. Fistulas are most commonly caused by injuries or surgeries. As well as infection and inflammation, fistulas can also develop due to inflammation. At Vithai Piles Clinic Our laser surgery treatment for fistulas is minimally invasive, FDA-approved, and allows minimal discomfort for our patients. During recovery, laser surgery reduces pain and discomfort, and the hospitalization period is shorter. Before suggesting a treatment plan, our fistula specialists in PCMC, Pune, at Vithai Piles Clinic carefully assess your condition using advanced diagnostic techniques.

what is fistula treatment vithai piles clinic pune
fistula symptoms vithai piles clinic pune)

Symptoms Of Fistula

  • Skin irritation around the anus.
  • A constant, throbbing pain that may be worse when you sit down, move around, poo or cough
  • Smelly discharge from near your anus
  • Passing pus or blood when you poo
  • Swelling and redness around your anus and a high temperature if you also have an abscess
  • Difficulty controlling bowel movements some cases

Our Doctors

dr atul patil best piles doctor vithai piles hospital pune

Dr. Atul Patil (M.S. (Shalyatantra))

Consultant and associate professor At Dr. D Y Patil Ayurveda College, Pimpri, Pune.

Dr. Atul Patil is working in the field of anorectal since last 8 years. He is post graduate of this subject from reknown Govt. College of ayurvedafrom Ernakulam, Kerala. He has develop his own treatment of anorectaldiseses, with the great combination of kerala Ayurvedic treatment along with allopathic treatment, which assures the 100% cure.

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dr sarita patil Gynaecologist lady doctor for piles vithai piles hospital pune

Dr. Sarita Patil (Dip. G.O.)

Proctologist and Gynaecologist

Director- Vithai Piles Hospital, Kasarwadi, Pune.

Dr. Sarita Patil is Young and dynamic personality. Her eagerness to surpass the limits of the ordinary, led her to pursue a relatively unknown specialty – Proctology. She is master in anorectal disease associated with femanity.

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What Happens During Fistula Laser Treatment?

Anal Fistula Diagnosis

Anal fistulas are diagnosed by Vithai Piles Hospital in PCMC, Pune, based on a physical examination or by our fistula specialist. External fistula openings result in foul-smelling discharge, which is the sign of an active fistula. The specialist may also order diagnostic tests to determine the extent of the fistula treatment, such as an anoscopy or a colonoscopy. For a correct diagnosis, an MRI or ultrasound may be required.

By allowing for targeted and accurate treatment, modern laser technology lowers the risk of problems and speeds up healing. In addition, we are pleased to also provide laser treatment for fissures as part of our thorough fissure treatments.

Anal Fistula Treatment

The Vithai Piles Clinic at PCMC, Pune, uses a holistic strategy for fistula treatment. Before suggesting a customized treatment plan, our fistula specialist doctors carefully assess your condition using advanced techniques. Our goal is to give you the best possible outcome and long-lasting relief, whether that is achieved via minimally invasive surgery, other suitable methods, or surgical interventions.

Fistulas in the anal cavity nearly always need surgical intervention to heal since they are not self-healing. A laser surgery treatment for fistulas is the most effective method of treating anal fistulas. It is performed under general or local anesthesia. As soon as the anesthesia takes effect, the surgeon inserts a laser probe into the opening of the fistula and activates it to ablate the affected tissues. If your specialist doctor advises otherwise, you will be discharged the same day by your surgeon after laser surgery for a fistula.

What Happens During Fistula Laser Treatment surgery-fistula daignosis vithai piles clinic pune
fistula types and treatment vithai piles clinic pune

Different Types of Fistula and Their Treatment

  • Inter-sphincteric: The fistula tract is located between internal and external sphincters, and the opening is very close to the anal opening
  • Trans-sphincteric: The fistula tract passes through the internal and external anal sphincters where it opens an inch away from the opening.
  • Supra-sphincteric:The fistula tract extends downward and opens 1-2 inches outside the anus. It begins between the sphincters, then turns upwards, crosses the puborectal muscle, and then extends downward.
  • Extra-sphincteric:An extrasphincteric fistula begins in the rectum and extends downward to the perianal skin. This type of fistula is commonly caused by diverticulitis or Crohn's disease.

Benefits Of Laser Surgery

  • Minimal Bleeding & Pain: Laser surgery reduces blood loss and post-surgery pain because the laser targets a specific area.
  • Improved Precision: The precision of laser surgery is gained by focusing on a smaller area without damaging the surrounding tissues.
  • Day Care Surgery: In most cases, anal fissure laser surgery treatment will be performed as a day surgery, so you will be released the day after the surgery unless your doctor recommends something else.
  • Shorter Recovery Time: In addition, it is a minimally invasive procedure, so recovery time is much shorter..
benefits of laser surgery treatment for fistula vithai piles clinic in pune


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The best way to heal anal fistulas is through surgery, because they do not heal on their own.There are many surgical options available, but laser surgery is considered the most effective and efficient due to its improved precision, minimal invasiveness, and faster recovery time.

Yes, of course. The laser surgery for fistula is an entirely safe treatment for anal fistulas because it is minimally invasive and reduces the risk of surgery.Also, it promotes a quicker healing process so that the patient can get back to normal as soon as possible.

No. A patient with anal fistula can only manage symptoms with medicine. It is only possible to entirely heal the fistula itself with surgical intervention.

Anal fistula surgery is no different from other surgical procedures in that there are potential risks and complications associated with it.There are several common complications that may arise:
  • Infection: When incisions are made in the skin, any surgery carries some risk of infection. The same goes for the fistulectomy procedure. In some cases, when the fistula's path is too deep, the doctor may need to perform the surgery in stages. If so, there is a big chance that the fistula will spread throughout the body and cause a systemic infection. If you have an anal fistula infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. If the infection is too severe, the patient may even need to be hospitalized and given intravenous antibiotics.
  • Bowel incontinence: If fistula surgery is not performed by an experienced anorectal surgeon, there is a possibility that the anal sphincter muscles may be damaged. The anal sphincter muscles are responsible for maintaining the anus and controlling bowel movements. Either way, if the sphincter muscles are damaged, the strength of the anal muscles is impaired, which can lead to loose stools. This condition is known as bowel incontinence. Bowel incontinence is estimated to affect 3 to 7% of all patients undergoing anal fistula surgery.
  • Anal fistula recurrence: It is estimated that 7 to 21% of patients undergoing anal fistula surgery experience anal fistula recurrence after surgery. The chances of recurrence are ten times higher in the case of treatment of anal fistula with fibrin glue.

It takes 30-45 days to fully recover from anal fistula surgery. However, you will be able to return to your daily activities after resting for 1 or 2 days.

Ksharsutra treatment in piles can be done under local anesthesia and patient is discharged within an hour. Here no cut or stitches are taken. The ksharsutra is tied at the base of pile. So no need of general or spinal anaesthesia. After 8 to 10 days the piles get dry and shrink. They wash out during deification without any big wound.


  • Fistulotomy: In this procedure, the surgeon cuts along the fistula to open up the tract and make sure it heals as a flat scar. This method is not considered if the fistula passes through the sphincter muscles, as the risk of incontinence is too high.
  • LIFT: In the LIFT or intersphincteric fistula tract ligation procedure, a cut is made in the skin over the fistula and the sphincter muscles are separated. The leather is sealed at both ends and trimmed to flatten.
  • Advancement flap procedures: This procedure is considered if there is an increased chance of incontinence. Here, the fistula is cut and scraped, and the opening where the fistula enters the intestine is covered with flat tissue taken from the rectum.

Non- Surgical

  • Fibrin Glue: In this procedure, the surgeon injects fibrin glue into the fistula, sealing it to promote healing.However, it is not an adequate substitution for surgery.
  • Seton placement: In this procedure, a surgical thread, also called a seton, is inserted into the fistula and left on for several weeks. A wider seton is placed to drain the fistula, while a narrower seton is used to cut away inflamed tissue.
  • Kshar Sutra: In this Ayurvedic procedure, a medicated thread is inserted inside the fistula path, which is then tied together. The thread removes the affected tissue and is replaced after a week.

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